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R&D Research and Development

R&D tax relief is for Companies that Innovative/Create or Improve products or services with the goal to bring them to market/increasing their sales and profits.

We can get you up to 33% of your expenditure back!

Research and Development (R&D) is for companies that work on innovative projects/services; it could be a simple as making a new sandwich to developing new chemicals that improve the smelting process (Our companies)


To claim R&D, it must

  • Advance science and technology

  • Had/tried to overcome uncertainty

  • It could not be easily worked out by a professional in the field

  • Develop a new process, product or service or improve an existing one.

We specialie in SME R&D Relief

For every £100 you spend you get £130 in R&D relief

You can tax this as a credit against your Corporation Tax bill @ 19% £24.70 or

A Cash refund of 14.5%, £18.85


Talk to our R&D expert today and get up to 33% off your inevsment back

01243 209 409

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