Company Electric Car
Normally the answer to a Compay car is No, however, the government has incentivised Electric cars.
You have No tax to pay in the first year.
They are better for the Environment.
Electric Cars and Vans
Cost of Running
One of the biggest benefits of an Electric car is the running cost, electricity is a fraction of the cost of fuel.
You also have the benefit of protecting the environment with no burning of fossil fuels.
Cars are taxed on emissions, the lower the emissions the lower the tax bill.
They are taxed via your P11D and the Company is taxed via Employer NAtional Insurance @13.8%
Electric Car BEnefit rates
Electric cars are taxed on a combination of CO2 and Range.
The lower the CO2 and the longer the range the lower the tax.
Vehicle CO2 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23
0g/km 0% 1% 2%
1-50g/km (electric range >130 miles) 0% 1% 2%
1-50g/km (electric range 70-129 miles) 3% 4% 5%
1-50g/km (electric range 40-69 miles) 6% 7% 8%
1-50g/km (electric range 30-39 miles) 10% 11% 12%
1-50g/km (electric range <30 miles) 12% 13% 14%