Pricing Analysis
Price Analysis, Questions?
What do you charge?
Too little, not enough profit
Too Much, not enough Sales
Pricing is s a mixture of Art and Science
The price of a Product/Service is about the value you bring to someone, not simply Price. The more value a product/service delivers, the higher the price.
Please bear these two quotes in mind when thinking about your price
“Sales are vanity and profit is sanity” & “Anyone can sell something for nothing.”
We have 25 Year of pricing experience in delivering value and profit via pricing, changing the price of a product but £1 and delivering £100k’s in a week.
A plumber increases his day rate by £5 per hour and takes home £200 per day, 25% more (with no impact on demand)
Value Pricing
We can make more money for you. Pricing is about value, and you need to be valued correctly.
Establishing the value of your goods/services is hard, but basically, what would you pay to get what you want or save yourself time and money?
Not all sales are good; walking away from a deal that makes you no money is the correct thing to do.
Remember, Profits are sanity, and Sales are vanity; anyone can sell something for nothing.
Price & Elasticity
Price and volume are connected; raise the price, and the volume goes down, reducing the price volume goes up; this is called Price Elasticity.
E.g., 1,000 units being sold
Price is £100 then reduced to £90, a £10 saving/10% reduction
Volume in sales go from 1,000 to 1,250, a 25% increase
Elasticity = 2.5
For every 1% reduction in price equals a 2.5% increase in Volume
Lost Leaders
Where a product is sold for less than its profit margin/cost.
So why do it? Get more volume, get the customers or encourage customers to buy more ancillary products at a higher margin.
Basket Analysis (BA)
The analysis of what people put in their baskets and understanding how your customers spend money with you will help you leverage their baskets to increase your sales and margin